When we travel, we always wanted that chill time, just staring at the horizon, sipping our favourite drinks and watching the sun goes down, or just simply enjoying the very place that you're at,
Here are the top spot, from the locals of El Nido,
Meremegmeg Beach
This is one of the most popular inland beach in El Nido, and why? This is where the magic of sunset come to life.
Not just a sunset, its beautiful oblique shaped beach and a mini island you can walk to from the mainland.
So find yourself a spot with the many places to just sit and enjoy your favourite drinks,
Suggested Accommodation for super c
hill vibe experience:
Sunset Beach Treehouse: https://bit.ly/3ujXKbJ
Duli Beach
Speaking of chill place, this is one of the surfing spot in the island.
This is surely a happy place a
nd best place to chill while on holiday,
Read more on this article why,
Suggested Spot:
Head to Duli Beach Resort, cool to stay the whole day, learn to surf and enjoy a fresh shower after from the water flowing from the mountain source.
And Also check out North Swell El Nido spot, just before Duli Beach Resort.
Nacpan Beach
The 2nd longest white sand beach in the Philippines is underrated, one of the most beautiful beach in the Philippines.
Find a spot, enjoy the water, and get those skin tanned, and of course best enjoyed with your favourite drinks and people.
Aplaya Beach
This is what local call the beach at the center town, just few meters away from the police station and in the main street of El Nido.
With so many cool spots to sit, from restaurants to bar, and the view of the majestic Cadlao Island is as beautiful as staring the love of your life.
Planning to visit El Nido soon? Looking for Island Activities?
Contact Lagum Adventure:
Number: +639457650047
Email: contact@elnidoadventure.com