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" The best love story, ever "

Real "LOVE" will find its way to you in mysterious ways. You will never know WHEN, HOW, WHERE and WHO.

When? You will never know, it can be in the most unexpected moment and time. But when you're in it, you will sure know that it is the one TRUE love for you. Once you fInd it, don't ever let it go. You can go on do the craziest things that you've never done before in your life. Just be in its moment, savor it, enjoy it every moment in time. And never let it go, do everything what it takes. I mean "whatever it takes", follow your heart.

How? You will never know again, how. One thing will lead to another. Decisions, events will lead to another, and eventually you will realized that everything you did, lead you to the moment when you meet your "one true love". You will never ever forget the moment, it will keep on flashing back in your head, on how amazing and how it felt so ecstatic, the time when you've finally meet the one you've never dreamed of, or thinking that it only happens in dreams and love stories movies. Believed in fairy tales.

Where? I have been travelling the country, alone most of the time. And some point made me think that why am I here? In this place? There are reasons for everything, reasons why we wander out in the world, and that one reason is to find your true essence on existence. And that finding a place where you belong, a place where your heart belong, a place where you want to be for the rest of your life. And that again, your "true love"

Who? You will definitely won't know who, who you are going to fall into with or who will be the "one" for you. It's like, you don't pick it, you don't choose, it's like a box of chocolate - Forest Gump, you will never know who you gonna get.But its far different from just picking in a box full of chocolate. Once again you will find it, in mysterious ways, one event that leads to another, one decision that leads to another decision, and there you are standing right in front of the "love of your life". You will never understand the overwhelming feelings, it's like your heart beat is faster that the speed sound and you will try to catch up with your breath. It's like, is this real? Am I dreaming? and then you will wake up the next morning, still not believing it.

Finding the best love story, for me is like a dream, it's like a fairy tale, but dreams do come true, and fairy tales existed. At least that is for me. Nobody is perfect, no relationship is perfect, but I believed that everything is perfect when you find someone that is perfect for you, and you can't even gauge what perfect, its just like perfect without measuring it.

To the perfect person for me, I am the luckiest guy that ever walked in this planet, and I will stay forever (if forever exist), I will make you smile everyday and I'm going to love you each day no matter what comes our way. We will create the best love story ever, together. I love you, and I can't use it enough to express how much "I love you". My heart says, I want to be with you for the rest of my days.

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